Strand hotell, Fevik

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Se Axel Lund.

Winge 1949/50

I Winges ferie- og reisehåndbok 1949-1950 presenteres hotellet slik for et internasjonalt publikum:

STRAND HOTELL Fevik per Arendal. The modem and comfortable Strand Hotel at Fevik. 13 kms. from Arendal, popularily named «The Roadside Hotel», is situated in one of the most idyllic spots in southern Norway and it offers you the most comfortable apartments. excellent cooking, choice wines and first class attendance. 40 guest rooms. The hotel has a lovely beaeh, tennis court and rowing boats. Restaurant with a high class orchestra. There is every facility for fishing especially tunneyfish. which seeks the shore in August. Open from 15. May to the 15th September. Apply directly or through the Travel Bureaus.

Den norskættede britiske forfatteren Roald Dahl (1916-1990) var fast gjest på Strand Hotell, Fevik i en årrekke.

Overnattingsplasser i Grimstadområdet:

Andersens pensjonat, Fevik | Ekely pensjonat (Fevik) | Fevik bad | Fevik pensjonat | Furuly pensjonat, Fevik | Havsjå pensjonat | Jutehaven pensjonat, Fevik | Moen pensjonat, Fevik | Randvika pensjonat, Fevik | Rønnes Pensjonat | Strand hotell, Fevik | Sørland pensjonat | Terje Viken pensjonat, Fevik |