Historisk infrastruktur - projects and databases in english: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

ingen redigeringsforklaring
(Oppdatert URLer)
Ingen redigeringsforklaring
Linje 69: Linje 69:
[1] It has not been possible to transcribe Trondheim copper exports before 1753, but the total amount of copper exports in the years that have been transcribed, as a provisional solution, therefore listed in the note field.
[1] It has not been possible to transcribe Trondheim copper exports before 1753, but the total amount of copper exports in the years that have been transcribed, as a provisional solution, therefore listed in the note field.
[[Kategori:Historisk infrastruktur - bakgrunn]]
Veiledere, Administratorer
172 820
