Hans J. Røsjorde

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Hans Johan Røsjorde (født 11. november 1941 i Brunlanes) er tidligere politiker (Fremskrittspartiet). Som stortingsrepresentant spesialiserte han seg på forsvarsspørsmål. Røsjorde trakk seg tilbake fra aktiv politikk og virket som fylkesmann i Oslo og Akershus 2011-2011.

Tidlig liv og utdannelse

Røsjorde var sønn av Josef A. Røsjorde (1917-1993) og Torborg, født Haugene (1915-1953). Da han var i begynnelsen av tenårene fikk faren, som var arkitekt, stiling som bygningssjef i Oslo Skogvesen og familien flyttet til Midtstuen. Josef A. Røsjorde tegnet mange skogsstuer i Marka rundt Oslo.[1]

Den antageligvis mest forbausende hendelsen i Røsjordes liv fant sted da han 19 år gammel gikk ut fra Ris gymnas til stillingen som rektor ved Senjahopen skole i Troms fylke.[2] Han lærte å like og undervise.

Røsjorde har både sivil og militær utdannelse. Han fullførte hovedfag i marinbiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo i 1970 med hovedfagsoppgave om algevegetasjonen i larviksdistriktet[3]

Røsjorde arbeidet som lektor 1970-1987: Breidablikk skole i Sandefjord (1970-1972) og

has both a civilian and a military education. In 1970 he graduated cand.real. from the University of Oslo having majored in marine biology. He then worked as a lector from 1970 through 1987. From 1970 to 1972 at Breidablikk School in Sandefjord, Vestfold, and from 1972 to 1987 at Stord Upper Secondary School in Hordaland where he also was school counselor.

Hans J. Røsjorde has a military education (befalskole) and was in the service during the period 1962–1990. In 1982 he attained to the rank of captain. He has been a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (1989–2001) and in conjunction with this has held miscellaneous NATO positions. Between 1974 and 1990 he was local commander of the Norwegian Home Guard for Stord. Between 2002 and 2006 he served as president of the Norwegian Reserve Officers' Association.

Political career

Having previously served in the position of deputy representative from Hordaland during the term 1981–1985 and 1985–1989, Røsjorde first became a parliamentarian in 1987, midway through the second term when he permanently replaced the deceased Bjørn Erling Ytterhorn. He was then elected to the Parliament of Norway in 1989, and he was re-elected on two occasions. Røsjorde was a prominent member of Parliament, serving as President of the Lagting (1989–1993), as chair of the defense committee (1989–2001), and finally becoming Vice President of the Storting (1997–2001).[4]

Before entering the national political scene Røsjorde was a member of Stord municipal council from 1979 to 1989.[4]

In 2001 he became the County Governor of Oslo and Akershus, succeeding Kåre Willoch. He was the first County Governor for the Progress Party.[2] He retired in 2011.Mal:Citation needed He joined the Norwegian Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee in 2011.[5]

His role as a prominent politician from the Norwegian Progress Party has, unlike for most of his party comrades, not been stained by involvement in intrigue and the many conflicts that is associated with that party.[2] In an interview with the newspaper Aftenposten in connection with his 60th birthday and his start as County Governor he himself describes his role as "rather that of a mediator and advisor".[2]

Hans Røsjorde currently lives in Oslo, having moved there from Stord when he took up his post as County Governor. As a hobby, he takes care of his antique Willy's Jeep.[2]


  1. Solvoll, Einar: Første fylkesmann fra Fr.P., Aftenposten 11. november 2001, s. 15
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Siteringsfeil: Ugyldig <ref>-tagg; ingen tekst ble oppgitt for referansen ved navn Aftenposten
  3. Hans Johan Røsjorde Algevegetasjonen i larviksdistriktet, Vestfold Hovedoppgave i biologi - Universitetet i Oslo, 1970
  4. 4,0 4,1 Mal:Stortingetbio
  5. Mal:Cite news